From August, 2007

Just Did

When one of my bestfriends and I were at a resort somewhere in the south three years ago for his despedida party (he would be flying to London in less than two days), we decided to leave the crowd for a moment and stay on the beach. We were lying on the sand. I was staring at the moon and I was quite sure that he was staring at me. He was the first to speak. “Have you given it a thought?” “Not much,” I replied. “Why not?” “I don’t want to think about it.” “Why not?” “I just don’t.…

The Promil Kid and the Hideous Word

I didn’t realize how obsessed my 3-year old nephew had become with Cartoon Network (particularly Dexter’s Laboratory) until I entered MY room one morning. And there he was, sitting on the floor, smashing a scientific calculator on the wall, thinking he could fix it afterwards. When I opened the door, he turned to me and angrily hollered: “Tito (uncle), get out of my laboratory!!!” This is bad, I thought. He thinks he’s Dexter and this is his laboratory. I knew I had to do something about it. So I looked at him and bellowed, “Excuse me, kid! This is MY…

Hollow Life

This is a (handwritten) journal entry I wrote on February 19 this year. I just came across this page and it’s just nice to look back into my thoughts: It’s not that I lack dopamine right now because I swear my cigarettes make sure I get my daily dose, but I really feel empty. This is not one of my drama moments. I just feel there’s something missing in my life, or something I still haven’t got. And I need to have it badly. I don’t know what it is exactly — or what they are. The problem with me…

Everything Comes in Threes

The Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost; The Wise Men who visited Jesus; Hades, Poseidon, Zeus; the heads of Cerberus; The Godfather series; The Lord of the Rings; Harry, Ron, Hermione; Tito, Vic, Joey; Randy, Paula, Simon; Hanson; Destiny’s Child, TLC, Dixie Chicks; the musketeers, the blind mice, the little pigs; papa bear, mama bear, baby bear; I came, I saw, I conquered; core, mantle, crust; solid, liquid, gas; protons, neutrons, electrons; the King, the Queen, and Jack; the number of strikes before a player is out; I, love, you; It was just my second chance I blew.